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While no artifacts were commemorated on the stone age, believed that the first residents in Bali bersal from China around 2500 BC. In the bronzy age culture around 300SM appeared and was developed in Bali. Irrigation systems and rice production complex, which is still in use sektrang, developed at this age.

Not until the 11th century, Bali received the first stream of a strong culture of the Hindu and Javanese. With his father's death around the year 1011 AD, Prince Bali, Airlangga, moved to East Java and to unite the kingdoms in one kingdom there. Because of his success, he then constituted his brother as leader Wungsu children in Bali. In the next period, comes the Javanese linguistic process, Kawi, which became the language used by the nobility, one of the Java community features and customary clothing worn because it is.

With the death of Airlangga, in the mid-11th century, Bali delighted a period of freedom to run their own government. However, this proved not to last long during the year 1284, the king of East Java, Kertanagara, conquered Bali and lead it from Java. In the year 1292, murdered and Bali Kertanagara get back the fortune to escape once again. But in the year 1343, Bali cover under the authority of the Billie Jean King of Java since its defeat at the hands of Gajah Mada, a general in the Hindu-Javanese realm last, Majapahit. With the bedcover of Islam passim Sumatra and Java during the 16th century, the Majapahit empire began to decline and displacement on a large scale by aristocrats, priests, artists, and artisans skilled in Bali occurred afterward. For the time being, bali growing rapidly and the next century is considered as the golden age of cultural history bagii bali. Gelgel Kingdom, near Klungkung, became the center of the arts and Bali became the major force leading yangmenguasai and some neighboring Lombok and East Java

Dutch sailors first set foot on Bali in 1597, not until the 1800s, the Dutch people have depicted a desire to colonise Bali. Year 1846, the Dutch people have occupied the region in Indonesia since a extensive range 1700an epidemic. The Dutch government sent troops into northern Bali. In 1894, Dutch allied with the Sasak people in lombok bali against their leader. In the year 1911, all the kingdoms of Bali has been defeated on the battlefield, or has been submitted under the Dutch colony. During World War II, the Dutch were forced out by the Japanese, who had occupied Indonesia from 1942 to 1945.

After Japan was defeated, the Dutch tried to reestablish their power, but on 17 August 1945, Indonesia announced its independence by the first president, Sukarno. After four years of hard struggle of the international criticism finally recognized and in 1949, Indonesia is known as an freelance country.

Posted by Adith Dith Wednesday, February 27, 2008


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