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Singaraja, the daughter of a high school student in Buleleng today report to Mapolres Buleleng. He squeezed her breasts to report a stranger as he passed on the road Ngurah Rai Singaraja.

In his report, urges AR (17) stated her breasts squeezed by strangers as they travel on Jalan Ngurah Rai Singaraja.

"Victims feel violated by the actions of the unknown, so the case is immediately reported to Mapolres Buleleng as sexual harassment cases," said the Buleleng Police Public Relations Officer, Kompol I Made Sudirsa.

Perpetrators of abuse action is not known for certain, however, police still trying to pengungkapkan the sexual abuse cases.

Action took place during the morning exercise, had not identified the perpetrators and we are still investigating, "said Sudirsa.

In his report on Mapolres Buleleng, AR urges victims with colleagues, across the street Ngurah Rai Singaraja.

Victims who want to Ngurah Rai Field for sports, was suddenly approached by a man not known. Not only approached, the man was immediately directed idle hands toward 'nyonyo' or the victim's breasts.

Conducted in the handling of NOP Sat Reskrim Unit Buleleng Police, the victim and several witnesses had heard his statement. While the perpetrators of this unscrupulous action has not been identified the police.

Posted by Adith Dith Wednesday, October 7, 2009


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